
From popular best sellers to award winners and classics, our fiction collection will delight and inspire children, teens and adults.

Special Collections

Special collections, such as graphic novels, literacy materials, plus bilingual and foreign language collections represent diversity in our community.


Non-fiction titles, eLearning and reference materials provide education and research on many subjects. Early and juvenile non-fiction materials support education frameworks for students. Materials supporting business and career topics are available for adults. 

American Art

BPL is proud of our American Art collection, supporting general interest in Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Young Adult

Young adult collections, including fiction, non-fiction, magazines and audiovisuals, are housed near the Library's Teen Zone. YA titles are targeted materials specific to teen interests and issues.

Genealogy & Local History

Genealogy & local history collections include Benton County birth, marriage and death records; plus other Arkansas county records and quarterly publications, including The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Family histories, Native American texts, resources from other States join The Pennsylvania Archives and Daughters of the American Revolution materials for a comprehensive research experience. The Benton County Daily Record is archived on microfilm, dating back to the late 1800s.