From volunteerism to monetary donations, our library thrives due to the generosity and support from individuals, organizations and corporations. Your gift makes a difference!

    Ways to Give

  • Make a donation to the Bentonville Library Foundation
  • Corporate matching opportunities
  • Pledge a gift of stock, or set up an endowment
  • Your gift is tax-deductible
  • Designated projects include collections, literature   festival & technology

    Be a Friend!

  • Membership dues
  • Monetary gifts
  • Donate used books                                  
  • Shop the Read It Again bookstore
  • Your gift is tax-deductible


  • Share your time & talent
  • Adults, Teens & Junior Partners
  • Corporate Groups
  • Library support or special events

    Support Genealogy Services

  • Join the Society
  • Give funds
  • Volunteer!


  • Visit the library with your family
  • Tell your friends about BPL
  • Share library stories with colleagues
  • Learn more about BPL History & Library Reports