This page outlines a portion of BPL's Policy Manual, with a focus on the most common situations that arise in the Children’s Department. The policy manual for Bentonville Public Library is available in full text here. It is prepared by the Library Director and professional Librarians; it is approved by the Library Advisory Board and City Administration.


Children’s Use of the Library

  1. Our goal is to provide a safe, comfortable, and sharing environment, promoting a lifelong love of books for children and families. Bentonville Public Library’s children’s policies are important reading for parents, as they guide staff interactions and library procedures pertaining to youth at the library. Some policies directly relate to safety, while others outline general behavior expectations and etiquette. Parents should familiarize themselves with our computer access, youth collections, and responsible party policies.  
  2. Children and teens using the library are expected to behave in accordance with the Code of Conduct and General Patron Behavior Prohibitions.
  3. Service to children is a major focus of the Bentonville Public Library's mission. As long as children act responsibly, they may use the library at any time it is open. 
  4. While the safety and security of children are important to library staff, the library does not have a specific responsibility or ability to care for or to supervise children left unattended in its facilities.
  5. Children under the age of ten (10) years old should not be left unsupervised in any area of the library. Young children cannot be left in the Children’s department while the parent or guardian uses other areas of the library.
  6. The age requirement policy will be enforced by Library staff.  
  7. If a parent or guardian of a young child cannot be located, staff will call the Police Department to report an abandoned child. 
  8. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children; teachers are responsible for the conduct of their students while they are in the library for a class visit or tour. Library staff may remind children of appropriate library behavior, when necessary, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the parent/guardian.
  9. If an unattended youth behaves in a disruptive manner, the patron will be warned and, if the behavior continues, asked to leave the library.   Children who have not been picked up at closing time will be given the opportunity to call a parent. Children who are not picked up within fifteen minutes after closing will be left in the care of the Bentonville Police Department. Under no circumstances will staff transport children in a vehicle or accompany them home. Staff should be alert to youths who may be waiting for transportation alone. If Library staff must remain late with a child while they are waiting for a guardian or for the police to arrive, two (2) staff members must remain at the library.
  10. The Children’s Library, Tween Zone, and Teen Zone have designated spaces for use and enjoyment by young patrons. Adults who are unaccompanied by children or teens should use other areas in the library for reading or other use.
  11. The Library does not allow loitering. Library personnel reserves the right to ask anyone loitering, or otherwise conducting themselves in a concerning manner, to leave the premises. 
  12. Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what resources are appropriate for their children. There will be some resources that a parent may feel is inappropriate for their children. Parents should let their children know if there are materials that they do not want them to use. Parents should supervise their child’s usage of library materials and Internet sessions.


Library Etiquette

Please help your children learn behavior that is appropriate to a public library setting.

  • Use inside voices
  • Use walking feet
  • Return books to re-shelving carts
  • Put away toys and puzzles after play
  • Encourage respectful use of materials, furnishings, and equipment.


Storytime Etiquette

In order to make Storytime enjoyable for all, we encourage parents to use this opportunity to teach their children listening and cooperative skills.

1. Arrive on time

2. Be attentive and participate in the programs

3. Put away toys, snacks, and drinks 

Some restlessness in young children is expected, but if children wander or become a distraction, we ask that the parent please escort the child from the Storytime area until they are comfortable and ready to listen.



  1. It is the library’s policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library resources are appropriate for their children. Parents may feel some resources are inappropriate for their children. Parents should let their children know if there are materials that they do not want them to use. Parents should supervise their children’s internet sessions. 
  2. The library provides filtered internet access on public internet stations. Minors must use a “Family Friendly” computer. 
  3. No filtering software can control access to all materials that an individual may deem inappropriate. Parents should instruct children in the Rules for Online Safety recommended by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.



  1. The Children's Department provides books and other materials for children from birth through approximately the 7th grade.
  2. Materials are selected to excite readers, fill recreational and informational needs, and supplement school projects and assignments through the elementary and middle school years.
  3. High quality of writing and illustration is a primary consideration. General demand is also a factor since children as well as adults have various levels of ability, knowledge, and interest.
  4. Children's books are usually available in a variety of bindings: pre-bound, publisher's library edition, trade edition, paper, and hardbound paperback. Quality of binding, cost of the book, and projected use generally decide which is chosen. 


Parental Supervision

It is the library’s policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding what Library resources are appropriate for their children. Parents may feel some resources are inappropriate for their children. Parents should let their children know if there are materials that they do not want them to use. Parents should supervise their child’s usage of Library materials, online resources, and internet sessions. This policy applies to parents of children of all ages.