Language & Culture

All Language and Culture

Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone® solution eliminates translation and tedious grammar explanations, allowing you to intuitively grasp new concepts, all while thinking exclusively in your new language. Unlike videos or books, our solution is all about interaction. Features include:

  • Reports
  • Live lessons
  • On-demand video and audio
  • Stories 
  • Phrasebooks

language, culture


Little Pim

Login Required Offsite.

Little Pim provides language learning tools for ages 0-6, incorporating words and themes relevant to a child's daily life. 

kids, language, culture


Canadian Business & Current Affairs (ProQuest)

Canadian Business & Current Affairs (ProQuest) is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics, with millions of full-text records. Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database features a diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more.

Canada, news, culture, history, literature


Countries and Cultures (FactCite)

Profiles on the countries of the world with extended histories, fast facts, images, economics, foreign affairs, daily life and culture. Introductory materials for grades 4 and up. More detailed information appeals to students in high grades. Features include:

  • General overview
  • Specific topics
  • Sources and further research
  • Tips for Teachers

kids, culture, international



ABC-Clio is a unified search platform for American History and the African American Experience. Features include:

  • Educator support
  • Strategies for research, writing, critical thinking and more
  • Citation help
  • Ask a Cybrarian

American History, African- American Experience


African American Experience (ABC-Clio)

A groundbreaking digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. Features include:

  • Educator support
  • Strategies for research, writing, critical thinking and more
  • Citation help
  • Ask a Cybrarian

American History, African- American Experience

American History (ABC-Clio)

American History (ABC-Clio) surveys American history from the Colonial era and American Revolution to the nation's rise to eminence as a global superpower. Analyzes American political conflict, economic development, and changing culture. 

Features include:

  • Educator support
  • Strategies for research, writing, critical thinking and more
  • Citation help
  • Ask a Cybrarian

American History

Art & Humanities Database (ProQuest Central)

ProQuest Arts & Humanities features over 550 full text titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.

The database contains over 460 full text scholarly journals from publishers such as Cambridge University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, and Springer Nature, as well as relevant magazines such as Vogue, the New York Times Book Review, and Sight & Sound and trade journals including Publisher’s Weekly and Canadian Architect.

art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, literature, theater, culture


Banco de Contenidos aulaPalenta

World Book’s new comprehensive Spanish database with more than 170,000 articles, images, and videos designed for native Spanish-speaking researchers and advanced bilingual and ESL students.

Spanish, history