Community Resource Center Guidelines

The purpose of the Community Resources Center is to ensure library patrons receive the most relevant information about resources in the community. A cluttered collection is an ineffective resource center, serving neither the patrons nor those who wish to serve the community. Therefore:

  • All materials must be printed and submitted to Library Marketing staff for approval.
  • Materials are recommended to be no larger than an 8.5 x 11 trifold or 8.5 x 11 full sheet. The Library highly recommends you develop quarter sheets for take-away items where possible.
  • The Library may not be able to provide a holder for your materials and recommends you provide your own display stands. However, any holders left at the Library will be considered a donation to the Library.
    • Acceptable materials will be:
    • Promoting free and sliding scale services or promoting events
    • Grammatically correct
  • Have a clear purpose and clear information
  • Materials may be removed after 2 months or at expiration (event date has past, etc.). A new copy must go through the approval process again to be added back into the collection.
  • Materials will not be accepted if they are scheduled to expire outside of a two-month time frame. Library Staff will not hold materials until that time.
  • Admittance into the collection are first-come, first-served, except that, if the collection is overcrowded, free events, free services, job-related materials, and smaller materials will be prioritized.
  • Materials will only be permitted in the spaces that are appropriate to the target audience. For instance, youth areas will only have materials that are applicable to youth, parents, and families.
  • Any materials that are not BPL-approved will be removed.
  • Library Staff reserves the right to remove any materials for any reason.

For questions, please Connect With Us.